Cupid isn’t stupid.

Valentines Day candy

Valentines Day candy

It’s almost February, which will mean this: St. Valentines Day!
Every year I say the same thing, love means nothing to a tennis player. Let’s see, love is a many splendid thing, or love is like oxygen, and love means never to have to say you’re sorry.
Love will make you do the stupidest things, like, I don’t know, get married.
Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage. Okay, it’s an oldie, but a goody, so sue me.
Since Ellen actually reads this blog, I’m unable to reveal what I’m getting her for St. Valentines Day.
All I know is this; it will be edible. Valentines Day and candy, do I really need to say any more?


The last few days I’ve taken notice of how smart Sammy is. Although he does his best to drive me nuts all day by meowing his little head off to feed him early, I keep telling him that he will be feed when it’s time and not before hand and to be a good baby or I’ll send him to the violin factory. He knows what the violin factory is and apparently doesn’t care. Yet, I discovered that he will actually wait for Ellen to come home to use the litter box and leave his deposit. I really noticed this when Ellen got home on Monday, I said “Sammy, mommy’s home now, you can go use the litter box.” Sammy just got up form his happy place and went to the litter box. Wait, that’s not the best part. On Tuesday, Ellen get’s home and says, “Hi honey, hi Sammy, mommy’s home.” With that Sammy gets up and heads to the litter box and leaves his deposit. It seems he’ll wait for Ellen to get home to go to the litter box than have me clean up after him. Hmm, I wonder if its’ my cologne?
I booted Ellen’s computer before she got home Wednesday, and after she arrived she’s checking her email, and I went to CNN’s website. Lo and behold, there is was a high speed car chase in Los Angeles, and I told Ellen about it and told her you’ve got to see this. When I lived in LA, there was at last one a week. Always some fool thinking he or she can outrun the police.
Oh, how the local television stations in LA love it! All it is is just eye candy. I’ve seen and entire newscast interrupted by a high speed chase. I don’t care about watching the car or truck or what happened late Wednesday afternoon, a stolen U-Haul speeding around LA as gawking onlookers wave to the news choppers overhead. I just want to see the 8 to 12 seconds of video the suspect being arrested or the car crashing and the suspect being dragged out of the far and arrested, nothing more than that. Well, we dialed up KTLA out of Los Angeles off the satellite dish and for over 45 minutes we sat and watched as the stolen U-Haul traveled all over LA until the eventual ending when the suspect was arrested. Since it was her first time watching an LA high speed chase, Ellen actually found it entertaining.
Author John Updike died recently. I remember reading “Run Rabbit Run” in high school. For whatever reason, I just didn’t get it and wasn’t sure what to make of it then. I’ve since have gained respect for his work and sorry to hear that it was cancer that took his life.

This is Super Bowl weekend; I’ve got only three words:
Steelers by 15.
Nuff said.

About Leprechuan

Professional Leprechuan and taste tester of Guinness.
This entry was posted in Cats, food, High speed chases, Leprechuan, Los Angeles, Rant, Valentines Day. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Cupid isn’t stupid.

  1. Gwen says:

    Pretty much my favourite day of the year is Feb 15th, the day all the Valentines candy is half price…

    Good blog!

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