Baseball, Sandy, the Governor, the President, and Sammy.

Baseball, Sandy, the Governor, the President, and Sammy.


I know Detroit was flat, beating the Yankees took the wind out of their sails and I could see it form the lack of energy from them. But the Giants were overpowering from the get go and I was amazed at how chewed up the Tigers like they were animals themselves. The best part was that the Giants swept in four games, my God, that was amazing.

I saw it building about a week previous and knew it was going to be bad. Just how bad blew me away. I had a bad feeling about this storm, and after seeing the video of the Con Ed plant exploding I got scared for my friends on Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. I had a feeling Long Island would not be hit as bad, but the video of the fires at Breezy Point and the photo of the statue of the Blessed mother still standing after the houses burned down was shocking. My former landlord in Brooklyn was finally able to move back home on December 3rd.
I have not firsthand account of how bad the damage is in my childhood area of Garritsen Beach in Brooklyn, all I know is its bad, and it’ll be a long time before it gets better.

The Governor:
With all his money, Mitt Romney actually thought he couldn’t lose the election. Yet, it was his money that most likely did him in. How can you, in this day and age run for the office of President of the United States and not release all your relevant tax returns?
It staggers the mind that a person could be that out of touch with the American people who want transparency with their elected officials and think that he or she could win elected office. Also, if you’re the nominee for the office of President of the United States and fail to appear on “Late Night with David Letterman”, you’re gonna lose, big time.

The President:
The way that President Obama showed in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the Affordable Healthcare Act, the intelligence he shows, the fact that on his watch, Osama bin Laden was killed. The “Cash for Clunkers” program; some of the many reasons President Obama was re-elected.
A friend of mine said she spoke to a vet who told her, President Obama has been the first President to actually help veterans.
That says volumes about the President and his understanding for the American people.

In September 2011, Sammy was diagnosed with a thyroid condition, in turn he stared to lose weight. Sammy had shown some spunk and energy the end of October and beginning of November.
But on November 13th, he barely moved from the towel on the kitchen floor, not even to drink from his water bowl or from his food dish.
After 4pm, he was taken to the vet, after checking him the vet stated he was near the end and he most likely won’t last much longer.
Having never euthanized a pet before, this was more traumatic that I thought it would be I knew he was ill, but didn’t know how bad he really was. The surge of energy he had at the end was amazing. Sadly, the last few weeks, he would be meowing day and night. I think it was his way of letting it be known his time was near.
Sammy was 16.

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I have been involved in a program to gain employment. This has taken over 18 months, but I’m pleased to announce that on Friday, December 7th, my background check was ruled favorably.
The next step now is an internal review, but it appears that I might have a position of employment soon.
This would mean moving to a new place, a place cold, and with possible snow. I miss seeing snowfall, I miss cold weather.


About Leprechuan

Professional Leprechuan and taste tester of Guinness.
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