The fallen heroes.

The level of stupidity that I come across never ceases to amaze me.
I exchanged messages with and old friend Tuesday night on Facebook, she and her husband have spend most of their lives serving this country.
I found on her Facebook page a video she posted of a family of a fallen soldier and their friends who outdrew these protesters.
I have heard about these people, they’re actually protesting the war at a funeral of one of our fallen soldiers. These incredibly brave men and women have given their “last full measure of devotion” to God and country and this is how they’re treated, with contempt and disrespect for the two wars we probably never should have been involved with in the first place by people who couldn’t even begin the understand the freedom these brave men and woman provide. These heroes should be honored for having to stand at a post and taking up arms against those who want to destroy the United States.
These protestors have no clue that they fallen gave their lives so the can protest.
There is a group, the Patriot Guard, they escort and watch over the fallen as they are brought to their final rest, they offer the dead the respect and honor they deserve.
I make a point when I encounter a soldier to thank them for their service to this country.
Then we have men like Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, who was the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor since 1976 are what has made this country what is it today.
Thank you Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta.


About Leprechuan

Professional Leprechuan and taste tester of Guinness.
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