Now what do I do?

Sports of all sorts

Sports of all sorts

The Giants lost Sunday to the Eagles; I like band, but not the football team.
Back in the fall, it was the Phillies that killed the Mets season, now it’s the Eagles killed the Giants season.
Monday January 12, 2009 marks 40 years since the Jets won their only Super Bowl. Again, here is another team that slowly kills me year after year after year.
What do Jets stand for?
Just End The Season.
Just End The Suffering.
I hate the Arizona Cardinals; I hate any to do with Arizona, but I see them going to the Super Bowl, and I can’t stand it.
Then you have the New York Knicks, another team with drama. I wish NBA commissioner David Stern would grow a pair and tell the Dolan family to sell the team, and let someone with a degree of intelligence run the team and some decent players.
Wit the economy as bad as it is, the Nets may not be able to move to Brooklyn as scheduled.
The developer of site of their new home may not be able to get the project done in time due to layoffs and raising cost of supplies.
Then you have the Mets and the Yankees with their new ballparks, expecting fans to shell out big bucks for tickets to see a bunch of whiny multimillionaires complain that they aren’t happy with their contracts.
I often wondered what Ted Williams or Joe DiMaggio or say, Babe Ruth would have been worth in today’s market.
I wonder what I would get for coaching a Little League team from Nebraska?
I’ll be glad when the Super Bowl is done. Then it will be time for spring training baseball!
I’m in the mist of baseball withdrawal, I really need a baseball fix, and I don’t mean watching the Phillies win again on my DVR, I mean spring training baseball!
Spring training where everyone starts out fresh and the mistakes of the previous season are just a memory.
Some memories are hard to forget, blowing a chance on the post season on the final day of the season two years in a row, which is a memory you can’t wipe away to easily. Nor do you want to, you want that memory to drive you to do better.
I hope this up coming baseball season will be better for the Mets. I could care less about the rest of other teams.
But it all goes back to money, who’s got it and who’s willing to sign for the biggest amount that is driving some fans away as they can no longer pay to see their favorite teams anymore.
New York has always been a great sports town. I wonder how it will be in the next twelve months.

A head up, I will have a special blog on the morning of January 20th.

About Leprechuan

Professional Leprechuan and taste tester of Guinness.
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